Friday, May 30, 2014

Week 1 Progress:

     First things first, Whenever someone asks how a new diet or exercise regimen is going, they either have nothing but good things to say, because they hit it hard, or offer concessions, because they're starting out slow. I fall into the latter category, but I feel brutal honesty will benefit myself and anyone reading and keeping up with my progress.

     Work has been exhausting, since I've been closing every night. I've been waking up later than I would prefer and accomplishing less. Denton also had a few beautiful rainy days at the beginning of the week, so I traded swimming and sand volleyball with starting Game of Thrones and extensively cleaning my apartment. I did manage to cruise around a bit on my longboard and pick up some "not-so-bad-for-me" groceries in between shifts and spending time with friends.

     The biggest thing I started this week was easing myself back into yoga. I started a YouTube 30 day yoga challenge, hosted by Erin Motzon Wednesday. Motz is a yoga instructor from Florida who also writes for The Huffington Post and various yoga sites. She started the free 30 day challenge on the DoYouYoga channel, through in 2013, as a way to introduce beginners to Yoga in 10-20 minute sessions per day. It was nice to stretch some muscles that I hadn't in a while, and the nice warm weather gave me an excuse to use my balcony.

     The Day One video focused on proper breathing techniques and teaching beginners how to move your body according to your own flexibility. The downward-facing dog pose is one of the most commonly used beginner poses in yoga, and requires you to get on your hands and feet while sticking your butt up in the air. the goal is to stretch your heels, so that your feet lie flat on your mat, and relax your head as you engage your core. This essentially stretches and strengthens your entire body.

     I skipped the Day Two Challenge Thursday because my work did a morning employee screening of Maleficent, and I lost my motivation for any sort of exercise for the rest of the day. The video gave me a really good stretch this morning and displayed some child's poses and warrior poses, that exercised my chest and shoulders.

     I'm excited to see what the rest of the challenge offers me, and am eager to take friends up on invitations to work out with them. I'm probably going to utilize my apartment complex's fitness center and go rock climbing next week.  Here is a link to Motz's blog if you are interested in keeping up with her.

Thank you for reading my second "Fitness Friday" blog post and please don't hesitate to comment and leave feedback. 

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